Digits Suppressed by Digitization

P.M. Narendra Modi is encouraging the idea of "Digital India” which is good, but before giving access to that technology, he should not ignore the medium via which people will be able to harness it in a better way, which is EDUCATION. If people are educated they will bring technology at their feet. They won’t be handicapped by the ill – effects of “being - uneducated”. If people are smart, they can make cities smart by themselves. . This is a simple logic which is unable to penetrate into the brain of the P.M. since he has already been engaged in the glamour of Silicon Valley Campaign, in clearing the hindrances like CEO Mark Zuckerberg so that he can get the proper, uninterrupted coverage by the camera (News Channels/T.V.).

His idea of promoting Digital India Campaign is to create participative, transparent and responsive government. But again the question remains the same how this participation will enhance?? Is it just by giving a smart phone along with wi-fi to a farmer (who is denied to participate as a candidate in Panchayat election, since he is not educated till 10th) or to a girl who is still denied the status of being “equal” forget about getting proper education.

Our P.M is promoting the campaign Digital India so enthusiastically that, he even didn’t think to waste his precious time over promoting the ”Right to Education Act". He is going to set a new example for the world i.e. without educating the masses; he will make each and every person “technologically smart” so that he can ensure the active participation of all the citizens, in making India- the next super power.

So, dear P.M, it’s a humble request, that instead of Digitizing the nation, please ensure that people are able to recognize the digits first.


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